MST3k Does Horror

i’ve been a die-hard mystery science theater 3000 fan since the early 90s, and i was deeply saddened when the show ended in 1999. i always thought i’d be fantastic if there was some way for the mst3k crew to do modern, big-budget films instead of the low-budget and mostly unknown films they were forced to do on television, but something like that ever happening seemed impossible. well, fast-forward a few years, toss in advances in the interwebs and the invention of ipods, and voila– rifftrax is born.

starring most of the original mst3k crew (most notably mike nelson, bill corbett and kevin murphy) and the occasional special guest star (e.g., weird al), rifftrax are podcasts you download and play along-side your favorite films (using your ipod or their specialized dvd player… or you could burn them to a dvd if you have a little video editing skill). so far they’ve covered dozens of hollywood films including the entire star wars prequel trilogy, the first two lord of the rings films and harry potter and the sorcerer’s stone. it’s not all pg-13 fare though, as they’ve often wandered into the horror end of the genre pool as well.

below i’ve listed the major horror episodes released thus far. those featuring only one participant (e.g., house of wax and dark water) are usually a little less fun to listen to than those with two or three, but they’re all worth a listen. my favorites include halloween, saw and the grudge. i’m hoping for some of the halloween sequels or a friday the 13th rifftrax to be released this halloween.

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