I’ve listened to at least one song by The Cramps every day for the past decade. Nothing cheers me up faster than hearing “The Surfin’ Dead,” “Cramp Stomp,” or “Call of the Wighat.” So I’m angry at myself that I didn’t learn until this week that Lux Interior, the lead singer of The Cramps, died on February 4. But mostly, I’m just bummed out that the world has lost the uniquely talented and creative force behind some of the best horror-themed music ever recorded. With his “Elvis from hell” crooning and tireless on-stage antics, Lux helped The Cramps make a degenerate, raucous blend of rockabilly, punk, and b-movie kitsch. How could any horror fan not admire the man that sang “I Was a Teenage Werewolf,” “Bikini Girls with Machine Guns,” and “What’s Behind the Mask?” So if you’re not a fan of The Cramps, then you darn well should be. But don’t take my word for it. Honor the memory of the Mad Daddy himself and check out The Cramps videos below.
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