A Showcase of Phones in Horror Films
Day of the Woman
I love posts that offer a novel way of looking at films I’ve seen dozens of times. -
Pulse and the Horrors of Loneliness
Monster Land
I think the best film reviews do more than provide a synopsis or simple evaluation of a particular film—they also make an argument about films in general. Monster Scholar’s review is a case in point. -
The Search For Genuine Scares – Horror Fans And Bloggers Weigh In
No Room in Hell
This is the kind of discussion I want to read more of in the horror blogging community! -
Aunt John’s Ghostly Guide to Basic Cable
“If your Aunt John was in charge of a basic cable network, here are some shows I would like to see produced.” -
“Holy Shit!” Endings, Part One
Fascination with Fear
I think Soylent Green should have made the list, but this is one of the coolest “end of the year” posts I’ve read yet. -
Elaine Lamkin’s Top 10 Underappreciated Horror Films Of The Past Decade
Fatally Yours
“Ranging from a Lovecraftian Civil War horror to Vietnam War ghosts to a VERY lonely Belgian inn-keeper to an Aussie bushman everyone ELSE should leave alone, there should be something for everyone in the following list.” -
More Scary Pro Wrestlers!
The Vault of Horror
When I was growing up, this stuff was a guilty pleasure of mine. And this list is a good indication why. -
Vote: Hottest Horror Vixen of 2009
Thank you, Horror-Movies.Ca. Thank you. -
Horror Poster Look-Alike Extravaganza
Welcome to Monster Land -
Top 25 Horror Film sof the Decade
Day of the Woman -
10 to watch in ’10
Dinner with Max Jenke -
5 Things I’ve Learned This Year
The Horror Digest -
Top 20 From the Decade
The Spooky Brew
email suggestions for next week’s community highlights to jon@evilontwolegs.com
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