Delphine 1-4 by Richard Sala (Fantagraphics 2006-2009)
The Groovy Age of Horror
An intriguing piece on one of Sala’s more daunting horror comics. -
Back To School Special
Day Of The Woman
If the end of the summer bums you out, this post might help cheer you up. -
Chuck L. on Return of the Living Dead
The latest Traumafession is a great tribute to the classic Return of the Living Dead. -
Films we wish had psycho killers in them…
Vegan Voorhees
Many good films would be even better if they had a psycho killer in them. -
Horror’s Hottest Couples
The Vault of Horror.
They left out Jesse and Diamondback from Near Dark, but this post puts the romance back in horror. -
10 Reasons Why You Should be Watching True Blood
Fascination with Fear
I really wish I still had HBO. -
Terrifying Tuesday Gets Spooky with The Haunting (1963)
The Lightning Bug’s Lair
A smart and useful review that really makes me want to re-watch the film. -
House of The Wolfman Trailer
House of the Wolfman
If you’re a fan of classic Universal horror films, watch this trailer for the new retro-styled film. -
Describing the Spectre
The creator of Frankensteinia has written a pithy account of the impetus behind its launch.
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