titan books was kind enough to send us a preview copy of their upcoming book hammer glamour. the book details a bit of the history of hammer studios before giving a comprehensive list of the starlets that made the films famous. each actress is given their own filmography and biography, complete with gorgeous photographs and images from their films. i’ve rarely been as impressed by the design of a published work as i am by this hardcover coffee table book.
the book can be pre-purchased through amazon or, even easier, you can win a copy from us for nothing but the cost of the time it takes to write an email! simply send an email to me at corey@evilontwolegs.com with something like “I WANT THAT BOOK” or “GIMME GIMME GIMME” as the subject line, and you’re automagically entered into the contest. or just leave a comment on this post (be sure to fill in your email). what could be easier?
win it or buy it, this is a ‘must-have’ for anyone with an interest in the hammer horror films, their history and their leading ladies. or even those just interested in vampire twins.
[contest ended… see the winner here!]
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