Scary vs. Horrifying
The Groovy Age of Horror
This is an intriguing post that suggests the term “scary movie” just doesn’t quite do the horror genre justice. -
Scary Paintings
The Vault of Horror
This collection of artwork features a variety of styles, and the pieces range from the classic to the contemporary, but they’re all decidedly horrific. -
The Zombie / Virus Connection
The Zed Word
“Although I’ve been known to voice my boredom in response to the overwhelming number of unoriginal films these days that present zombiism as spread by viral infection, there’s one truth I cannot deny. The zombie / virus connection is a perfect thematic match.” -
Stranger than fiction: Little known facts about great genre authors
Fascination with Fear
I did not know that Ray Bradbury would have become a stage magician had his writing career not gone anywhere. Read this post to find out more interesting facts about your favorite genre writers. -
The Women of Freddy Krueger
Day of the Woman
“When you think kid raping, child murderering, christmas sweater wearing, Wolverine looking, burn victim would be such a ladies’ man. Yet, somehow Wes Craven has made one of the most iconic and horrific slashers to be linked to so many different women.” -
The Good, the Bad, and the Freddy
The Paradise of Horror
A very thoughtful analysis of why the Nightmare remake doesn’t work. -
Welcome to Reboots, Bitch
The Deadly Doll’s House of Horror Nonsense
A very thoughtful analysis of why the Nightmare remake does work. -
A Nightmare on Elmzzzzzzzz
I read this review of the Nightmare remake as a good argument as to why classic slasher remakes in general don’t work. You simply can’t recreate the culture, atmosphere, energy or what have you of the 70s and 80s that made the original films work so well. Any remake is going to feel fake or at least out of context and artificial.
email suggestions for next week’s community highlights to jon@evilontwolegs.com
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