Horror Community Highlights – January 17, 2011

  • Mad science: Are we inherently tasty?
    And Now the Screaming Starts
    I love the morbid but utterly fascinating premise of this post.
  • Horror Blogger Cuisine: Food & Horror Movies
    The Paradise of Horror
    And just in case the previous entry made you hungry, here are some horror-inspired dishes that you CAN actually cook and eat.
  • Who Would Be Your Neighbor?
    The Horror Digest
    If you’ve ever wondered who’d make a better neighbor, the Tall Man from Phantasm or Bub the Zombie, then this post is for you. And if you haven’t ever pondered that question, this post is STILL for you.
  • My Conundrum about Funny Games
    The Girl Who Loves Horror
    I completely understand the conundrum. Funny Games is one of those rare movies that gave me an uncomfortableness that I really didn’t care to have. Why do we horror fans watch movies like that?
  • Bringing on the Fear: Part 3 — Mirrors and Windows
    Fascination with Fear
    This is the most comprehensive survey of windows and mirrors used in horror films as you’re likely to find.
  • Top 10 Horror Movies of 2010
    The Jaded Viewer
    This is another terrific retrospective of 2010 that suggests I need to pay more attention this year. I missed “Babysitter Wanted” completely. Also, I agree with the Jaded Viewer that shaky-cam films haven’t become redundant yet, but the glut of 3D movies in 2010 was largely unimpressive.

email suggestions for next week’s community highlights to jon@evilontwolegs.com

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