The Most Disturbing Horror Films Ever Made – Part II

begun last week with part one, here concludes our list of the most disturbing horror films ever made.


if that tiny office doorway from being john malcovich actually existed but it traveled into the creative mind of anyone you wanted, takashi miike’s would be the last one on my list (likely right below david lynch). i don’t know what’s going on in miike’s head that he’s able to imagine such f’d up things, but i don’t think his mind is a place you want to go on vacation. audition is probably the most coherent of his films and, likely, the most disturbing. it lacks the ferocity and over-the-top violence of something like iichi the killer, but what it lacks in constant gore it makes up in psychological manipulation. the first half of the film feels like a romantic comedy, but slowly hints begin to surface that this is all going to go south real soon. against the back-drop of normality that the tone of the film exudes in its first half, the slightest bit of creepiness is amplified. it’s a slow burn film that builds a sense of uneasiness in its audience, finally resulting in an explosion of depravity in its final moments. ~corey
I like Takashi Miike’s work, but I’m convinced that he’s made a career out of deliberately, fiendishly freaking us all out. Audition is basically about a widower film producer who wants to remarry, but has trouble finding the right woman, so he decides to pretend to hold auditions for a new film, but in reality is holding auditions for his next wife. The whole thing is creepy and exploitative, but before we’re allowed to fully explore the ethical problems of this little scheme, Miike turns the tables when the chosen actress turns out to be much more than he bargained for. The fact that her apartment is furnished only with a telephone and a burlap sack is an early clue that this gal’s up to no good. Audition is actually pretty tame by Miike’s standards. His “Imprint” episode in the sadly defunct Masters of Horror series was the strangest, most perplexing film I’ve ever seen in its grotesque renditions of abortion, incest, and, of course, torture. I’ve heard that Miike insists that he’s not really into torture as a theme, but simply enjoys the technical challenges of filming those kinds of scenes. But who’s he kidding? There’s devilish method to the madness that is Audition, and, as with most of Miike’s films, you COULD interpret it as a kind of morality tale about the reversal of power between man and woman, director and actor, victim and victimizer. That’s all well and good, but he also seems to realize that directors have a kind of power over the audiences who sit in the dark and watch their films, and he’s all too willing to exploit that. ~ Jon

Dard Divorce

the oddly named dard divorce wants to be more than it is. with it’s plot lines of missing drugs, crime bosses and kidnappings and use of flashbacks and forwards, it strives to be an ultra-violent version of pulp fiction. unfortunately, neither director olaf ittenbach’s script nor his ability to elicit believable performances from his actors comes close to those of his german contemporary dr. uwe boll, let alone tarantino. however, much like boll, ittenbach has found a small niche where he does excel — that of depicting horribly graphic and disturbing violence. while it may start off a little slow and get bogged down in its own largely pointless story, dard divorce has many truly grotesque moments. decapitations, stabbings, ocular trauma and repeated facial beatings all make numerous appearances. a shotgun blast to the head and a child being on the losing end of a battle with a chainsaw are just two of the more memorable scenes in a film filled with onscreen violence. the film tacks on a twist ending which is both predictable and difficult to fuly understand, the later due to the bad sound recording in the film’s final moments. such flaws, in addition to the horrible acting, limit how truly disturbing the violence can be, but dard divorce still makes our list simply for its insane shock value. ~corey
I’m sure there is a reason why this is called “Dard” Divorce. It’s a German film, so maybe it’s a German word that couldn’t be translated. The frame story is equally confusing. It involves a young woman, Natalie, who’s going through a divorce. To make matters worse her dog is mysteriously killed (the only clue as to why is a note left for her with the word “Dard” written on it in blood), then her freshly tortured husband shows up on her doorstep and dies, and then her children are kidnapped. And that’s when things get really weird. One of the most disturbing scenes involves a fully naked man chopping up a body for what seemed like an hour. Now that I’ve thought about it, I’m pretty sure that “dard” is German for “painfully confusing with little exposition, meaning, or merit , and so gratuitously violent it will probably give you gingivitis.” ~ Jon


while i’m sure some will question this film’s inclusion on this list, there is no denying that dr. uwe boll’s seed is filled with some disturbing imagery. it’s a cheap and unnecessary move, but opening with actual peta animal cruelty footage does set the bleak tone of the film, instantly separating this from boll’s ridiculous video game adaptations. boll pulls no punches with the rest of the film either, showing in graphic detail what other films would be afraid to hint at. in one scene we see footage of animals being left to starve, die and decompose in a bare room. this scene climaxes with a crying infant left in the room that suffers the same fate. the infant’s death is lessened by some shoddy cgi work, but not enough to make the scene ineffective. another striking scene, which plays out in one long, agonizing shot, involves a woman’s head being slowly smashed to a literal pulp by a hatchet over several minutes. again, less than perfect computer effects detract from this scene as well, but only slightly. with zero comic relief, unrelenting brutality, and not even the emotional relief provided by satisfying suspense sequences, seed seems to have little purpose other than to disturb those watching. ~corey
Everyone knows that Uwe Boll is the laughing stock of horror cinema. House of the Dead is one of those rare films that’s so godawful it’s fun to watch, much like Twilight. So I was completely unprepared for Seed, which opens with a montage of authentic footage of someone skinning what I think is a fox. It’s far worse than anything in Cannibal Holocaust and so nauseating that it would make even Zsa Zsa Gabor throw out her fur coats should she ever see this film. Boll justifies the inclusion of this footage because it belongs to the serial killer Max Seed, and is being used as evidence, but the fact that it’s real definitely makes an impact. Then there’s the ten-minute scene in which Seed beats a woman to death with a hammer. The cgi effects in the scene are middling, but it allows Boll to film the scene with no cuts, and he uses this to significantly increase the sheer ferocity of it all. I’m equally disturbed by the fact that I have to admit that Boll seems entirely competent in the direction of Seed. The editing is consistently interesting and well-paced, and he keeps the story low-key and simple, focusing instead on the more stomach-clenching aspects of it. I’ve heard that Boll is a decent boxer, so I suspect that he grew tired of people laughing at him, and made a sucker-punch of a film that deliberately beats up his audience. ~ Jon


if our list were ranked, cannibal would be a top candidate for most disturbing horror film ever (likely second only to the next film on our list). similar to dard divorce, this film shows graphic, nauseating images in full detail. however, cannibal goes a step further by mixing in sexual deviance and (gasp!) artistic talent. largely told as a silent narrative, cannibal is based on the true life case of armin meiwes, a german man who placed a personal ad looking for a person to eat… and received a reply. similar to aftermath, the entire story is told with an art school slickness, but here the visual choices actually match the story. the film never tells you how to feel about what you’re seeing, but simply lets it unfold while conveying each of the characters emotions without judgment. while loneliness may be an emotion we all can identify with, the need to fry and eat another man’s genitalia is, hopefully, a little more foreign. yet cannibal portrays each the same, which only amplifies how disturbing this film is. if you’re not sickened by the time the failed castration scene ends, you’ll certainly be midway through the chest cavity excavation. this is not a film for the feint of heart nor those looking to be hungry the month after viewing it. ~corey
I used to think that I was a hard-bellied and seasoned horror fan. I used to think that I’d seen a thing or two when it came to violent films. But nothing could have prepared me for the stomach churning nausea of Cannibal. The film is based on a true story about a man who put out a classified ad looking for someone willing to be eaten. And the bizarre part is that someone actually answered the ad, and the two of them followed through with it. I’d love to see a documentary about this story. I have enough morbid curiosity to want to know why someone would do this, and what it might mean about the human condition, or our darker human natures. This film skips all that and just gets right to the cannibalism, sodomy, and astonishingly detailed gore. ~ Jon

Cannibal Holocaust

when i was a kid this was a film i was actually afraid to watch, such was its legendary status. “they actually killed the actors to make this movie” was a rumor i’d heard. as a teen seeing the film for the first time, i thought it very possible what i was watching was real — a feeling only heightened by the ‘found footage’ framework that the film pioneered, later to be used so successfully by the blair witch project. as it turns out, this rumor was both true and false. none of the paid actors were killed for the film (although the director was questioned by authorities about just that, so compelling is the footage), but several of the animal ‘actors’ were. the animal deaths, clearly not faked in the film, are what lead such credence to the human violence that comes later. that is where this film truly crosses the line into dangerous cinema because of all the films we’ve listed, it’s actually the only one you could realistically make a case for being truly morally wrong. despite the grotesqueness present in the faked scenes and stock footage of faces of death, no person or animal was actually harmed for the express purpose of that film. cannibal holocaust cannot make the same claim. several animals were literally tortured to death simply for the shock value and, presumably, for the entertainment of its eventual audience (footage that most dvd versions wisely give you the option of skipping). their impact heightened by the skill of the director and actors, the staged rape, tortures and murders present in cannibal holocaust would be enough to place it on this list alone — but the moral depravity of not just the characters in the film, but the filmmakers themselves, places this at the top of my list for most disturbing film of all time. ~corey
Cannibal Holocaust
This is the mother of all exploitation films, and like Flower of Flesh and Blood it has the distinction of being mistakenly labeled as an actual snuff film. It’s also been permanently banned by several countries. For those reasons alone, it has a well-earned place in film history. Still, of all the films on this list, it’s the one film that might be truly immoral. Of course, some film critics have claimed that the graphic violence and stereotypical depictions of the Amazon native are actually parodies of the pretenses underlying European civilization. But by that logic, you could film any sort of atrocity or grotesquely racist depiction of a culture and claim that it’s actually a critique of those very depictions. It’s a very thin excuse for violence, and the pretense of it makes it somehow worse. Blood Feast has the decency to not pretend it’s anything other than puerile fun. Cannibal Holocaust film does raise some clever questions as to whether those viewing such on-screen atrocities are somehow complicit in them in them, and in no real position to judge them. But what makes this film utterly unforgivable is the actual violence to animals. I understand that the film uses this violence as an analog to the fake violence, and it’s very effective in that regard. But it crosses a line that it shouldn’t, and watching it made me feel appalled in way that I don’t want to feel again. I’ve heard that Ruggero Deodato now regrets using actual animals in the film, as well he should. ~ Jon

Horror DVD Releases – Week of August 25th, 2009

(descriptions from netflix)

Sick Girl (2007)
With her parents dead and her older brother off to fight in Iraq, emotionally disturbed teenager Izzy (Leslie Andrews) flips out and goes on a nasty killing spree, gleefully torturing and executing the bullies who like picking on her younger sibling, Kevin (Charlie Trepany). Eben McGarr writes and directs this gruesome horror movie that also stars Ian Villalobos, Katherine Macanufo and Stephen Geoffreys.

The Curse of February 29th (2006)
After a mysterious driver in a darkened car hands over a bloody toll ticket, terrified tollbooth attendant Ji-yeon discovers that a lethal curse has struck her station every Feb. 29 since a fatal accident occurred there years ago. When her friend becomes the latest victim, Ji-yeon sets out to solve the mystery, which may involve her own ghostly double. Jong-hun Jung directs this Korean horror flick that stars Eun-jin Baek and Yoon-jeong Choi.

Onechanbara: Samurai Bikini Squad (2008)
Inspired by the video game phenomenon, this live-action epic follows Aya, a sexy antihero clad in only a bikini and a cowboy hat. In a not-too-distant future in which the world copes with ravenous zombies, Aya makes time for a personal mission. Between decapitations of the ubiquitous undead, Aya and her sidekicks, Katsuji and Reika, search for Aya’s father’s killer, for whom Aya has planned a special form of revenge.

The Brass Ring (2008)
When salesman William Schotten, consultant J.J. Zetts and a group of their Ohio pals set out to make a zombie flick with a Super 8 camera and $7,500 in cash, little do they know that the “making of” will be more horrifying than the movie itself. Luckily, they captured that nightmare in this documentary charting their progress as first-time fright-flick makers. In addition to Schotten and Zetts, the film features Dave Caleris and Keith Boron.

My Sweet Killer (1999)
Since being released from a mental hospital, introverted Charlie Cavenaugh (Kirk Harris) has been desperately trying to keep his life and sanity on track. Just when things seem to be looking up, he starts having disturbing dreams about a ghostly suicide victim. When the obsession intensifies, Charlie’s world begins to blur between dream and reality. Del Zamora, Art Chudabala and Jack Rubio co-star in this thriller helmed by Justin Dossetti.

Ghost Image (2008)
An already fragile young woman (Elisabeth Röhm) who lost her family in a fatal car crash years ago sinks deeper into despair when she learns that her boyfriend (Waylon Payne) has also died in an auto accident. At first, her ritual of watching him via a video she made of him just hours before his death seems therapeutic. But when he begins talking back to her, she wonders whether she’s lost her grip on reality.

Frayed (2007)
Small-town sheriff Pat Baker (Tony Doupe) is facing a worst-case scenario: His insane son, who offed his mother 13 years ago, has escaped from a mental asylum and is loose in the woods where Baker’s daughter (Alena Dashiell) is camping. To no one’s surprise, the masked psycho gets right back into the killing groove, with the suspense and wanton bloodshed accelerating all the way to an unnerving climax in this gripping thriller.

Horror Community Highlights – August 21st, 2009

The Most Disturbing Horror Films Ever Made – Part I

within modern cinema, the goal of any film is almost always one of two things: to entertain or to educate. whether it’s schindler’s list, roger & me or mission: impossible, the purpose is one or both of those things. it’s an unspoken agreement between filmmaker and audience that we rarely think about, and often take for granted. if you go to the theater to see the latest die hard sequel, you know what to expect. there will be explosions, bullet wounds, and perhaps a somewhat graphic death for the main bad guy at the film’s climax. you also know what you won’t be seeing — you won’t see the bad guy throwing babies off rooftops for fun or see puppies being crushed in a hydraulic press for minutes on end. even the saw or hostel franchises wouldn’t show such images, and we know this without even seeing them.

in truth, those behind the films we see, even those of graphic horror films, usually have the audience’s best interests at heart. they want you to enjoy their movie. like the creators of a rollercoaster, horror directors may want to make a scary ride… but not one so scary that it actually injures or traumatizes.

but what if this were not true? what if a horror filmmaker set out to make a film not to entertain, but simply to disturb or harm? a film that didn’t just push the envelope of the acceptable, but blatantly crossed the line? over the last few weeks jon and i have watched dozens of ‘extreme’ horror films in an effort to put together a list of films that we believe attempt to do just that. you will find part one of that list, and our brief impressions of each film, below.

now, what one person finds disturbing another might not. for example, you might find evil dead 2 to be a riotous comedy, while your grandparents would probably be a bit freaked out by it. these are not those kind of films. while it’s arguable that they were created to entertain on some level, there isn’t a film on this list that won’t disturb you in some way. these are films so f’d up that if you did decide to show one to your grandparents, they wouldn’t just be freaked out — they might tie you to a chair and call the police. consider yourself warned.

Faces of Death

some of our love of horror may come from a need to face our own mortality. in no film is this so clear as in faces of death, a ‘documentary’ that seems to have no purpose other than to serve evidence of our own impending deaths up on a pseudo-philosophical platter. it’s well known now that much of the footage was faked, but at 13 years old, i bought the premise of this film hook-line-and-sinker. not even the host’s name (dr. francis b. gröss) clued me in that maybe this wasn’t all ‘on the level.’ i still have my certificate of survival from seeing part 4 of this series in the theater, one of the few film screenings to leave me nauseous afterward. this is a film best viewed in your mid-teens, when you still feel invulnerable, carry little sense of your own mortality and viewing faces of death seems incredibly taboo. back then, this film was the cinematic equivalent of sticking your tongue on a 9-volt battery, jumping off your roof or sneaking a peak at your dad’s playboy collection… you watched it because it was forbidden, someone dared you to or so you could brag to those that hadn’t. while i’m nostalgic for the time when i first saw faces of death, watching it now, the obviously fake scenes are a bit amusing, overall there is little to enjoy due to the fact that some of the footage is authentic (in particular the slaughterhouse and autopsy scenes are tough to get through). ~ corey
I remember watching the original Faces of Death in middle school because all the kids were talking about this crazy documentary that had real death scenes in it. I liked scary films, so my friend and I rented it from the local video store, smuggled it into my basement, and as we watched it, I remember realizing, for the first time, that films aren’t just Saturday night fun and entertainment—they can be unpredictable, maybe even dangerous, experiences. I had already seen movies with graphic death scenes in them, but nothing prepared me for seeing an actual, real execution on film, or watching someone really being mauled to death by guard dogs. It wasn’t entertaining, and it wasn’t something that satisfied my curiosity, or helped me to explore the darker side of the human condition. It was simply and purely disturbing. I only saw this film once, and I’ve since learned that many of the death scenes are fake, but I’ve never thought about films in the same way. Truth be told, this film is one of the reasons I became a horror fan. No other genre comes close to that strange mixture of initial fascination and ultimate repulsion that characterizes my reaction to this film. Of course, I’ve come to realize that I don’t want the real thing, and that I’m very happy to settle for the safer pleasures of watching people fake it. ~ Jon


aftermath is one of the most grueling half-hours you’re likely to experience watching a film. the director appears to think it’s a quiet philosophical meditation on mortality, but art school bullshit aside, this is little more than a necrophiliac’s wet dream — an attempt make the audience sick, not make them think. and if making the audience sick was the director’s goal, then he succeeded admirably, largely due to the incredibly realistic special effects. except for a few moments here and there, the effects seem so real that you may find yourself saying “why yes, that is exactly what i think a man having sex with the internal organs of a corpse would look like if it was filmed by a pretentious douche-bag.” some fun can be had with the film by watching it with a friend and seeing how many times you each have to turn away from the screen, yelling “oh, man!”… but make no mistake — aftermath may think it is far smarter than it is, but it is a damn disturbing film no matter how you cut it. far more graphic than you’re probably imagining, this is the only film where i had to find a different cover shot because the original was just too f’d up to show directly. ~ corey
Hostel is a violent and nauseating film. But I love it, in part because of its intriguing character development and tongue-in-cheek gore gags. Likewise, films in the Saw franchise assault the audience along with its characters in just about every frame, but I love those films as well because of their compelling and intricate story arcs. Then there’s Aftermath. I suppose I’m hard-bellied enough to watch a scene in which an insane mortician has rough sex with the corpse he’s just mutilated, but there HAS to be at least a little in the way of narrative, characterization, or something to justify it. Aftermath offers absolutely nothing to justify itself. But what makes it far worse is the fact that its director, Nacho Cerda, seems to think that this film is a poignant exploration of the more sad trajectories of human condition along the lines of Paul Haggis’s Crash. It’s not. It’s a repugnant and pretentious slap in the face that makes Blood Sucking Freaks seem like Shirley Temple’s Curly Top. ~ Jon

Guinea Pig 2: Flower of Flesh and Blood

i heard somewhere that not only is it illegal to own or sell the guinea pig series in japan, you can’t even make a new film called guinea pig. maybe that’s not true, but it’s not that hard to believe after seeing part 2 of this series, flower of flesh and blood. presented as an actual snuff film, there’s not a lot of plot to be found here. a serial killer kidnaps a girl, ties her to a bed and slowly dismembers her. all while wearing a samurai helmet and reciting bad poetry (the killer, not the girl). similar to aftermath, this is a tough film to get through. the special effects range from impressive to mediocre, but where this film really excels is in its presentation. while the over-stylized camerawork and editing of aftermath make it clear you are only watching a movie, the blair witch, ‘found footage’ style of guinea pig 2 lends a disturbing sense of realism which could lead one to believe what they’re watching is real. given how things turn out for the female victim in question, it’s a good thing for her that this is all fake. ~ corey
This film is legendary because Charlie Sheen reportedly called the cops after he watched it, thinking he had just seen a genu-ine snuff film. I don’t know how much of that story is true, but it was enough to prompt me to watch it. The story is familiar enough to horror fans. A crazy man hunts down a woman and then has his way with her in his dungeon lair. He then proceeds to cut her up, piece by piece, for 45 minutes. The special effects are stunning, and the entire thing is filmed with shockingly detailed close-ups and presented as a kind of video diary. Forcing the audience to be voyeurs in the violence on screen is a staple of horror films, but Flower of Flesh and Blood takes it to a new level that left me feeling as if I’d been victimized. And what makes it all the more unsettling is the way the gore and violence is presented as an aesthetic experience, complete with artsy camera angles, carefully selected lighting, and some nutty dialogue full of psychedelic metaphors involving plumes of blood red petals. Dario Argento flirts with the idea that violence can be both strange and beautiful, but he knows where to draw the line. This film does not. ~ Jon

Funny Games

the films we’ve listed this far all feature gratuitous depictions of death and violence with little talent behind the presentation. neither of these attributes apply to funny games, perhaps the most mainstream of the films on our list. restrained in its use of on-screen violence and directed with a meticulous sense of pacing, this film is disturbing in a different way than most of the ones we’ve listed. the script’s callous disregard for human suffering, the film’s ability to subvert expectations at every turn and the brave performances from naoimi watts and tim roth make watching this film an uncomfortable endurance test. many of the films on this list are disturbing on a visual level, but few achieve the level of moral and psychological offensiveness as funny games. ~ corey
Funny Games is a terrific film, featuring one the best performances of Tim Roth’s career. And it isn’t especially graphic or violent in the traditional way, but it’s one of the most unsettling films I’ve ever seen, and after watching it, I’m convinced that Michael Haneke knows just how to manipulate his audience into making them uncomfortable. And I don’t mean the good kind of uncomfortable in the way some films make you squirm when you see something really gory, or jump when you’re expecting the killer to appear and a cat leaps from the window instead. I’ve seen dozens of films that feature a well-meaning couple who somehow get in over their heads and have to endure the torture of a psycho killer before they find the strength to escape. It’s the sort of narrative that can scare, but offers its audiences just enough familiar signposts to guide them through the experience. Beginning with the creepiest scene involving a neighborly request for eggs ever put to film, Funny Games offers no refuge in terms of a stable narrative, motivation, or moral compass. With its relentless villains, odd pacing and enigmatic dialogue,Funny Games gets under your skin and in your head in a way that really isn’t pleasant at all. ~ Jon

The Last House on the Left

few horror films have the notoriety or as rich a back story as the last house on the left. originally intended to be a porno and screened in theaters as rated-r because wes craven cut out and pasted the rated-r symbol from another movie’s poster, this film is as hardcore and genuine an example of exploitation horror as they come. many films lose their ability to shock as time goes on, but this is not one of them. the rape scene is potent enough on its own, but the humiliation and degradation surrounding it make it even worse. the violence in the film is gratuitous and plentiful once the revenge story kicks in, but i always found the events before any murders take place to be far more affecting. in particular, the bizarrely inappropriate music and slap-stick humor with the sheriff and his deputy juxtaposed against the brutality of the rest of the film always leaves me disoriented and unsure of what the film’s intent is. are these groan-worthy humor moments genuinely intended to lighten the mood or, similar to the married with children-esque scene with rodney dangerfield in natural born killers, are the bad jokes supposed to be so horribly inappropriate that they make you even more uncomfortable? ~ corey
I always feel like I need to take a shower after watching Wes Craven’s The Last House on the Left. The story itself is scary enough, but it’s really an age-old cautionary tale about the perils of the city and the power of revenge. What really makes the film horrifying is Wes Craven’s uncanny mixture of folksy wholesomeness and youthful exuberance put in direct odds with all the filth and depravity that he can muster from his nightmarish vision of the modern urban gutter. No scene better captures this than the one involving Mari’s desperate, but naïve attempts to win her captor over with a peace symbol necklace, while her girlfriend is being systematically disemboweled by the rest of the drug-crazed gang. And maybe it’s the fact that the film was originally intended to be a narrative-driven porn film involving rape, but it’s just plain sleazy in a way that I think is unique to the 1970s. In fact, at the recent Fangoria convention in New York, I heard David Hess, the actor who plays Krug, say that the film’s 2009 remake couldn’t possibly work because you can’t take the film out of its original context. And I think he’s right in that the film is, in one sense, Craven’s bleak testament that the hippy-drippy good vibrations of the 60s counterculture and flower-power movements could not withstand the darker human instincts that inevitably consumed them. When the film was released in 1972, Both Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. had been dead only three years, and the Vietnam conflict would last three years more. It was a bleak moment in American history. And somehow, The Last House on the Left taps into these anxieties and brings them uncomfortably home.~ Jon

stay tuned for part two of this post when our list concludes with beautiful psychopaths, peckish cannibals and the oddly titled german gore-fest dard divorce. same bat-time. same bat-channel.

Nintendo DSi Does Horror

i was playing around with my nintendo dsi and discovered it comes with a fairly nifty photo manipulation program. with the built in camera and a few pokes of the stylus, you can easily turn a nice picture of your favorite horror blogger like this into this monstrosity. like everything i encounter in life, i immediately began thinking “how can i apply this to horror films?” within a few minutes, i’d created the images you see below. while i’d prefer being able to load images directly into the dsi, the easiest way i found to get the images i wanted into it was just to hold the dsi up to my computer screen and take the picture.

Horror DVD Releases – Week of August 18th, 2009

(descriptions from netflix)

The Last House on the Left (2009)
While vacationing at their summer home, Emma and John Collingwood (Monica Potter and Tony Goldwyn) show kindness to a group of strangers, unaware that the same men just assaulted their daughter (Sara Paxton). Once they learn the truth, they set out on a no-holds-barred plan for revenge that can only end in bloodshed. Dennis Iliadis directs this updated remake of Wes Craven’s 1972 horror classic by the same name.

Siren (2004)
When a crew of bank robbers believes that an alluring young woman (adult film star Aoi Sola) has blown their cover, they whisk the girl back to their hideout, where they develop sinister plans to first rape and then kill her. But when one of the crooks mysteriously turns up dead, they wonder if their intended victim may be a powerful and vindictive supernatural force. Satoshi Torao directs this fast-paced erotic thriller.

Dexter Season 3 (2008)
Good-natured forensics specialist Dexter Morgan (Emmy nominee Michael C. Hall) continues his secret moonlighting activities as a serial murderer in the third season of the popular Showtime drama that twists the fine line between good and evil. Devoted to capturing the bad guys, Dexter stalks the Miami streets at night to make sure the ones who got away pay the ultimate price. Meanwhile, he lives an ordinary life with girlfriend Rita Bennett (Julie Benz).

Horror Community Highlights – August 14, 2009


True Blood Merchandise

i recently became addicted to alan ball’s true blood and discovered that, even when it comes to merchandising their shows, hbo does everything right. from merlotte’s server shirts to fangtasia t-shirts to actual bottles of true blood, the hbo store seems to have it all. they even have a shirt that references the show’s most memorable line of oft repeated dialogue… “you’re mine, SOOKIE.” check out the entire store if you consider yourself a fang-banger, or check out the show on dvd or blu-ray if not (particularly if you are a fan of six feet under, kick-ass vampire stories, or just want to rinse the bad taste of twilight out of your mouth).